I wrote recently on how to be relevant as a 21st Century African Mum and one of the highlights of that article was Health. A good health means the total wellness of the body and the ability to bounce back faster in the event of an illness. Stress is an impediment to good health so, I'm sharing with you, an outline of some of Professor Pete's stress relief tips. Here they are:
* Short breaks - This can come in form of a tea break, a short walk, reading, listening to music or even just keeping silent while relaxing and staring into space, anything good and concise to calm the nerves is a short break.
* Priorities tasks - This is important especially when we seem to have a lot "on our plates". Try Ivy Lee's method of listing only the six most important tasks to achieve for the day in their order of importance. Finish one task before moving to the next. Any leftovers can be carried to the new six task most important tasks for the next day.
*Change Something - Do something different. My kind of personality does not accommodate doing the same activities year in, year out, or I would die of boredom. So to spice up my work, I change
things. At home, I would change the position of the furniture wall frame and every other things in our home. I'd clean up the kitchen and rest it. Spice up your life and your marriage too. Eat out sometimes as a couple like you used too when you were courting. Change your hairstyle to something different. All these will bring a new excitement and help ease stress.
Detox from Tech - I joined a mentor recently on Social media purge for 21 days and the experience was exhilarating. I was able to read more books than usual. I wrote more and even had ample time to spend with family. I was able to speak to friends I had been wanting to reach out to. Exposure to tech and the internet can be tiresome so, taking a break off would do more good than harm.
Avoid multitasking - As cute as Superman looks when multitasking, it isn't really easy for us as humans to do the same. Working class mothers especially love to multitask and this is another cause of stress. It is said that our brains are not designed for multitasking. They aren't CPUs yet even CPUs have memory jam when the tasks are too many to handle. To be more productive, do the lot you can do at a time, complete it and move on to the next.
These are just a few tips. I would share more in my next post on Productivity. Stay tuned.